Use of SCATS MF to Calibrate SIDRA Saturation Flow

Aerial photograph of road

Presented by David Nash / AITPM Online Technical Conference

This is a submission for the AITPM Online Technical Conference Series November 2022.

Presented by David Nash for SIDRA SOLUTIONS. Authors are David Nash, Rahmi Akcelik, Mark Besley and Ian Espada.

This presentation explains the differences between saturation flow, as used in modelling signalised intersections, and maximum flow (MF) which is measured by the SCATS traffic control system. While these two parameters are quite similar in concept, one cannot be substituted for the other due to significant differences in how they are measured and applied. The presentation explains the characteristics of lanes that affect saturation flow and MF. Some practical problems are identified through a case study, and recommendations for best practice are given

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Use of SCATS MF to Calibrate SIDRA Saturation Flow / David Nash / AITPM Online Technical Conference

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